Book Aid International is a UK registered charity which shares the power of books and helps create a more equal world.
Around the world, there are millions of people who have never seen or held a new book. There are millions of schoolchildren who can learn only by sharing a single threadbare textbook. There are millions of people who have never been encouraged to read, or to escape into the pages of a book.
Book Aid International knows that books give people power – and that knowledge is what drives the charity’s work.
Every year Book Aid International provides over one million brand-new books to thousands of communities where people have very few opportunities to read and works with its partners to support and establish libraries.
Each book the charity sends is carefully selected in response to partner requests, and all of the books provided from the UK are donated by publishers. Book Aid International also funds the purchase of thousands of locally published books every year.
The charity’s vision is a world where everyone has access to books that will enrich, improve and change their lives, and so the charity provides a huge range of books each year – from picture books for the youngest reader right through to the latest medical texts.
The charity's Vice Patron Lord Boateng commented on the importance of players' support saying, "Extraordinary change is possible when people are given equal access to books — and by helping us grow, players have opened doors to new possibilities for millions."
Book Aid International warmly thanks everyone who plays People's Postcode Lottery for support readers around the world.
To find out more about Book Aid International please visit www.bookaid.org